5 lugares que visitar cerca de Londres

sitios cerca de londres

En la capital de Inglaterra podemos encontrar sitios cerca de Londres como el Big Ben, el Tower Bridge o el London Eye, pero ¿alguna vez te has planteado qué hay a los alrededores de Londres? Alquila coche al mejor precio y recorre los sitios no tan populares, pero igual o más bonitos que la capital.

A continuación, te desvelamos cinco sitios cerca de Londres para que hagas tu viaje un poco distinto:

7-minute guide: Driving in Greece

travel to greece

Driving in any foreign country can seem a little worrying but with the right information to hand you can enjoy your car hire on holiday and find out the best things to do in Greece. There are so many sites to visit and so many places you should know about in Greece that you’ll have some fun getting around. Tourist sites in Greece are all over the country so before you go make sure you plan where you want to go and what to visit in Greece so your holiday goes as smoothly as possible. Here we’ve put together a 7 minute guide to driving in Greece which will make sure you have as nice a ride as possible!

7-minute guide : Driving in Italy

Italian drivers like to drive fast and aggressively and it is common to see cars jumping from one lane to the other or braking late to an orchestra of car horns behind them. Unlike the UK do not expect Italian drivers to slow down for you or let you out of a junctions. However, Italy has some of the fret European roads to drive along with modern motorways networking the country to the wonderful coastal roads that wind along the Mediterranean coast. Italy is a treat for any driver and by taking a hire car you can get to visit some of the best tourist sites in Italy. Here’s 5 tips on getting the most out of your driving holiday in Italy.