5 things to do if you are in Cancun

If you hear the word “Cancun”, the first thing that might come to your mind is white beaches (more than 22 kilometers of pristine sand in total), clear water and nights soaked in tasty margaritas, but Cancun is much more. Located in the northeast corner of a peninsula with such an evocative name as Yucatan, the city is part of the ancient Mayan civilization territory and therefore the gateway to their magical culture, which is intertwined with an infrastructure created specifically for the area to become a vacation paradise for tourists from around the world. Cancun receives more than 3.3 million visitors annually. A destination that offers two different worlds where you can find both adventurous trips and relaxing plans. This is easy in an area with an (almost) perfect climate that has evolved from a small village of just 12 fishermen and their families to become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Since we just opened a Goldcar office in this paradise on earth, we want to recommend you five things to do in Cancun that you just have to do if you visit this colorful part of the globe, where exotic flowers like the pretty flamboyanes grow everywhere.

Los 5 secretos de Roma que aún no conoces

La semana del amor, qué mejor que hablar de la ciudad del amor por excelencia: Roma. Una de esas ciudades tan famosas, descritas, fotografiadas y filmadas que, aunque no hayas estado nunca, tienes imágenes muy claras en la mente. Sabes cuál es la Piazza de Espanga y sus famosas escaleras porque viste a Audrey Hepburn tomando helado en ellas en Vacaciones en Roma; conoces la Fontana di Trevi y sueñas con bañarte en ella una noche solitaria, siempre con un gatito y algún interés amoroso cerca; piensas en el Coliseo y ves gladiadores y leones… Todas estas paradas están bien (son imprescindibles) para la primera visita, pero si tienes más tiempo o si repites  seguro que te gustaría saber qué visitar en Roma que aún no conozcas. 

4 things you must do in the Canaries!

With so much to offer the Canaries is a great place to spend a holiday

  1. Playa de Maspalomas

One of Gran Canaria’s most popular beaches, Playa de Maspalomas is best known for its impressive sand dunes and its wonderful old lighthouse, which first help sailors in 1890. the area is an ideal place to base a Canary Island holiday with a lovely beach and a host of hotels and restaurants,

The most romantic places in the cities of love

No doubt that the canals in Venice are one of the best and most romantic places in the world to celebrate love, but isn’t actually any place good for love? Casanova had it easy in the City of Canals, but you can also enjoy the most romantic of all experiences at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, in one of the many viewpoints of the Alfama district in Lisbon, in the house of Romeo and Juliet in Verona, or even in Teruel, a Spanish town famous for its lovers, or in Salamanca, the hometown of Calixto and Melibea. You can have an affair to remember dancing tango in Buenos Aires, in the exotic beaches of Bali, in the Prague Castle, under the sun of Tuscany, in Sissi’s Vienna, near the Little mermaid in Copenhagen and even at top of the Empire State Building. What city would you like to fall in love with? These are the most romantic places in the cities of love. Want to feel their attractiveness and their romantic atmosphere?